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8 Man After

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8 Man After Empty 8 Man After

Rašyti by exccgmen Pen. 01 11, 2008 6:29 am

8 Man After A97-11
Pavadinimas: 8 Man After
Vokiškas: Cyber Desperado
Japoniškas: エイトマン AFTER
Dar vadinamas: Eight Man After
Tipas: OAV, 4 serijos
Metai: 21.08.1993 iki 22.11.1993
Žanras: Ateitis
Aprašymas: Whatever happened to 8-Man? Why did he suddenly disappear, never to be seen again? This was the question on Sachiko`s mind, as she couldn`t forget about that fateful day when she learned the truth.

Times have changed. Crime has a new face and a new mode. Newer technology has become part of the game, but the number one player is still power. Power is what high crime is looking for. So what do you do when the criminals turn into near-invincible cyborgs? The answer: bring back an old cyborg crime fighter, one capable of combatting this new threat. 8-Man returns to the scene, but he (like the scene) has changed. His mind is different, as he has a new host with a different set of priorities.

8Man After brings an old superhero into the science fiction of today. 8-Man`s new host is private detective Hazama Itsuru, a hard-nosed, sometimes violent man who likes to do things his way. So what does that mean when he`s 8-Man? To put it short, he`s quick and usually brutal. And since he still remembers his original life, he also remembers his grudges and his old enemies. With such a volatile mind in such a powerful body, what could possibly happen? That`s the question that has EVERYONE worried.

Male Pranešimų skaičius : 289
Age : 28
Miestas : Palanga
Taškai : 0
Registration date : 2007-08-07

Nindzės lentelė
Komanda: Uchiha Itachi, xxkarolisxx


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